Auto-update 4D-app

Summary Keisuke Miyako: Example of automated upgrade of 4D, using curl (FTP), zip, unzip More details at 4Dforum for our convenience repeated here: „build“ phase. before you start you must do the following: 1. put a copy of „4D Volume Desktop“ inside „Engines“ in the database folder 2. put copies of your „4DDP“ and „4UUD“ […]

[4D forms] Resizing options

Summary 4Ds forms-editor very much still resembles an early vectordrawing-app, a metaphor that MacDraw introduced 3 decades ago. Sometime during the evolution the forms-editor was enhanced by growing/moving-options for form-elements. Very welcome then, very basic today. There is a „Group and Symbol Resizing“-presentation for Sketch 39, which describes what’s missing in 4Ds growing/moving-options for form-elements […]

The Floating Piers-movement #shot on iPhone

Summary As Christo supposed, walking barefoot and feeling the movement of the water underneath is the experience to be gained. How to capture that, to show to those who couldn’t travel to Lago Iseo? Make a time-lapse with my iPhone. Christo empfahl, barfuß über die Piers zu laufen und die Bewegungen des Wassers unter den […]

Mixing SVG-images

Summary 4D introduced SVG with V11, which was in 2007. Long ago. Still SVG didn’t get a stronghold in the 4D community. Partly it’s really confusing, what SVG actually is, besides an XML-tree to represent a drawing. The confusion gets even worse concerning 4Ds mixing and matching techniques to work with SVG. I’ve described that […]