ghost online

Summary Using SVG for charting purposes is gratifying. Both completely new kinds of charts and those resembling the obsolete CT Chart Array-command. Besides enhancing the chart-capabilities another requirement was to include the customers-logo as part of the chart. First I thought about parsing that logo.svg … sounds like too much work. Histogramme und Business-Graphik in […]

Which window to CALL FORM?

Summary To use CALL FORM I need the window-reference. I never thought about taking care of window-references and I’m not happy about to start that extra efforts. Therefore I was thinking about how to ask 4D, to receive the window-reference for a process, where I know the name of. I usually don’t know the process-name […]

Tokens in object.notation

Question I’d asked object notation is something like $name:=$o.Firstname the key Firstname is not set in doublequotes. Hmh, that means Firstname is tokenized, or is it? Will keys in OB SET($o;Firstname;“Vorname“) be tokenized too? Answer by Raphael Herouart $name:=$o.Firstname Will be tokenized into something like this: [LocalVar][Assign][LocalVar][TokenMember] So if it was your question „1“, yes […]

From sourcecode to documentation

Summary On May 17, 2017 Blog 4D announced: Source code sharing of internal 4D components with 4D Partners Good news for me. I was looking for some behaviours of 4D SVG, which I would like to understand and use them more properly. I’m getting to lazy already, to open the source just for looking up some lines […]

extract eMail-body

display msg-body inside a 4D-webarea

Summary Those little snippets of code sometimes are real timesaver. The timesaver of this week is a base html-page to display the message-body extracted by MSG_GetBody from the IC Downloaded Mail-theme of 4D Internet Commands this is the raw HTML as used in $rawHTML <html><head><title></title></head><body><pre> <!–4DHTML messageBody–> </pre></body></html> and here the 4D-code to process the single 4D-tag […]

WebArea as a TextEditor

Summary [Updated] While waiting for 4D Write to earn it’s Pro-badge I evaluate options to use the WebArea as a writing field. These days I stumbled across Simple, clear looking and gave it a try. You should too, I suppose. Ich warte darauf, daß sich 4D Write das Pro-Label verdient. Währenddessen schaue ich mich […]

lignes de facture – invoice lines

Summary Bertrand asked for advice on styling invoice-lines using CSS, where numeric values align right. This is a common necessity. I prefer semantic HTML-code and all styling inside of CSS. Using CSS-classes turns creation of HTML with 4D-code into a mess easily. Bertrand bat um Tipps, wie er mit CSS Rechnungszeilen gestalten könne, insbesondere die […]

[Feedback] parse textfiles

Summary Parsing text is one of the annoyances of daily life of a developer. I wrote an article about my way of parsing text and asked for feedback. Johannes Leidheiser did just that. If you like to read about his approach, follow the link. english preferred für eine Webapp mit der man Textdateien an einen […]

Objects and 4D-Pointers

Summary Wondering what 4D-pointers inside objects are good for? For me pointers inside objects are temporary value to make things easier for the developer. If I need to store pointing-values, I’d use table-/fieldnumbers and or names depending on later usage. 4D erlaubt Pointer in Objekten. Niemand sonst als 4D kann mit diesen Pointern etwas anfangen. […]