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4D for xxx? … Sorry – no details for now … Summary 4D Summit 2018 in Paris, Washington and München. Wondering what this could be? Visiting Paris for a couple of days in march seems like a good idea. To sit down in a darkened, air-conditioned room on torture-hotelchairs all day needs a really good reason. […]

Xojo.app auf iOS an 4D-Backend

April-Werkstatt in Hamburg: Bernd Fröhlich berichtet. Hier der Mitschnitt: die4Dwerkstatt April 2017 from Ozett on Vimeo. Das sieht auf den ersten Blick gut aus. Ich habe ein wenig gegoogelt und bin auf diese Caveats gestoßen: Xojo hat keinen eigenen Zugriff auf die Location-Services dito Accelerometer/Gyro und der Zugriff zur Kamera scheint nicht native in Xojo implementiert. Ist […]

The Floating Piers-movement #shot on iPhone

Summary As Christo supposed, walking barefoot and feeling the movement of the water underneath is the experience to be gained. How to capture that, to show to those who couldn’t travel to Lago Iseo? Make a time-lapse with my iPhone. Christo empfahl, barfuß über die Piers zu laufen und die Bewegungen des Wassers unter den […]

How to get a selected spot in Maps on Mac into Rego-app easily?

I love Rego.app Found some interesting spot I once will visit, like on Daily OverView. I copy the coordinates, something like this 37.263212022°, -4.552271206°. Then paste them in Apple Maps, then I open maps on iPhone (handoff) select needle copy address open Rego create new spot search by address paste address How to get a […]