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4DAn http server with 4D IC4D_Tech Digest, Vol 94, Issue 52 On 22/03/2015, at 16:30, Peter Jakobsson wrote:
Launch this in a New process: C_TEXT($str;$headers;$response;$remoteHost) Try it with http://localhost:8081/ -- Code-SchnipselUnicode aus der Zwischenablage übernehmen…for me the more annoying thing is NFD normalization in Unicode. I know copy-paste from PDF Unicode will result in NFD, whereas typing in a field produces NFC. I don't think Word is NFD, though, so I would consider paste from Word to be safe. the problem with mixing NFD and NFC is that you can end up with the exact same length, one being longer than the other. if you HIGHLIGHT TEXT such string, the position would be wrongly computed for every NFD sequence that could have been compressed using NFC. now you may be wondering, what is NFD, NFC, and how should I care? that is actually my point, you really shouldn't have to care at all, most of the time. if you want to be really defensive against NFD paste, then you could do miyako, 4D iNug Technical, Wed, 5 Nov 2014 17:13:46 +0100 How to sign a 4D app?1. Goto Mac Dev Center 2. Sign in. 3. Click "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" 4. Click "Certificates" 5. Click Certificates/Production 6. Click and download "Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority" and "Developer ID Certificate Authority". 7. Select Production/Developer ID and continue 8. Select Developer ID Application 9. Launch Keychain Access. (keep the browser open) ~Keychain Access~ 10. select Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority 11. In the User Email Address field, enter your email address 12. In the Common Name field, enter your name or company name. 13. The CA Email Address field should be left empty 14. Select the "Saved to disk" option 15. Continue ~back to the browser~ 16. Continue 17. Upload the CSR file created with Keychain Access. 18. Download your certificate. Checkpoint: You should have installed 3 certificates, Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority, Developer ID Certificate Authority, and your own Developer Certificate, in Keychain Access. Now open terminal. typeMiyako, 8. Aug. 2014 Copy/Paste Email into 4DDate: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 08:02:38 +0200 It really shouldn't be this complicated, you know … If (Form event=On After Edit) Where does the 4DDebuglog get put by 4D Client?SHOW ON DISK(GET 4D FOLDER(current logs folder)) Run that on the client; best way to answer this question (because the location can change for various reasons). Popup Form WindowAuf einer eigenen Seite → Reading lines from a text fileSubject: Re: Reading lines from a text file I have written code which does the job. It BLOBs the file, turns it into text, then checks each character. It's slow. I've written code which rolls a regex through the file, looking for lines - but I can't the regex which works here to work in 4D. The correct pattern should be (with escaping for 4D) : v i n c e n t d e L a c h a u x The regex-pattern is working, but the code lacks. It should finally look like this: $i:=1ARRAY TEXT($P_array_T->;0) While (Match regex($rxPattern;$sourceText;$i;$rxPositions;$rxLengths)) $i:=$rxPositions{1} If ($rxLengths{1}=0) // empty line $i:=$i+1 // check next occurence Else APPEND TO ARRAY($P_array_T->;Substring($sourceText;$rxPositions{1};$rxLengths{1})) $i:=$i+$rxLengths{1} End if End while PROCESS 4D TAGSDate: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 21:10:17 +0900 another application of PROCESS 4D TAGS is to use (abuse?) it as an eval() in 4D. Example Hex to Int: PROCESS 4D TAGSSat, 1 Feb 2014 13:33:29 +1100 I'm using some 4D tags and updating to the "new" (several years old by now) nomenclature. For those that haven't noticed, the tags are now: 4dhtml = "The value is already in HTML, don't HTML encode it." 4dtext = "The text is not HTML safe, please HTML encode it." So, if you have a stored link and you want to embed it as an active link, use 4dhtml. On the other hand, if you want to display escaped as markup, use 4dtext. 4dtext = convert. I was flipping these two around in my head and thought others might too. For too long I've maintained a custom HTML encoder in my Text_ routine module. Yesterday I thought, "why am I doing that? 4D has an embedded HTML encoder?" So, here's a little method to exploit 4D's HTML encoder when you need it inside of code: // Text_HTMLEncodeUsing4D The theme here is Text, hence the prefixes of text for the variable and method. Rename to match your own style. Note: There is absolutely no reason to call this method when you're using a 4D tag template directly. In that case, just call 4DTEXT from your template. This routine is for situations where you want to prepare HTML encoded data for some other purpose - like a POST to some REST API. Now all I need is a really reliable URL encoder... v13 WebArea Javascript questionDate: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 22:40:59 +0900 The standard way pre-v14 to call 4D from WA is to use WA SET URL FILTERS my favorite style is to ARRAY TEXT($patterns;1) and in JS have something like ARRAY LONGINT($pos;0) miyako …drag-and-drop from Apple's Mail program into 4D 13.4…Wed, 11 Dec 2013 18:19:05 +1100 Yes, I've gotten drag-and-drop from Apple's Mail program into 4D 13.4 working now. I'd tried this before and failed and after a user complained (nicely), I checked the list archives. I saw from past discussions that drops from mail include a proper file path during On Drag Over but return an empty path in On Drop. This is not how it works when you drag a file from the desktop. So, I've got the On Drag Over code stashing the last path in a process variable. In On Drop, I test the clipboard path and, if it's empty, try the variable. This seems to be working flawlessly and the user was super happy. Thu, 12 Dec 2013 07:53:16 +1100 Listbox-dereference with 4D SQLDate: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 05:43:07 +0100 Hello, Is 4D Webserver running?
C_TEXT($url;$response) Testen auf gültige eMail-AdressMit Regex auf eMail testen Users und Groups loswerdenThis code snippet will remove all users & groups except for Designer and Administrator: Funktioniert für Benutzer und Gruppen, die durch den Administrator angelegt wurden und man selber als Administrator eingeloggt ist. Ein Bildschirm-Foto schießenNach einer Anregung durch Koen Van Hooreweghe, 28 Sep 2006, iNug C_TEXT($thePath;$cr;$command) 8. Mai 2013 ich habe bei Deinen Code Snippets gerade den screencapture Schnipsel gefunden. $thepath:="/tmp/preview.jpg" `delete the previous screendump $command:="rm -r"+$thepath LAUNCH EXTERNAL PROCESS($command) $command:="screencapture -i -W "+$thepath LAUNCH EXTERNAL PROCESS($command) Das Bild hat so zwar die Endung .jpg, ist aber in Wirklichkeit ein PNG. Nur so zur Info. Gruß aus Bremen, Den Benutzer das Ziel eines PDF-Drucks auswählen lassen
Es wurde diese Frage in der NUG gestellt:
Die Antwort von Miyako, 4D Japan: Da hätte ich schon längst drauf kommen können :-) Example of a TCP server + Client built with 4D ICBelow is a very simple 4D TCP server and client to see how one can start to learn how to use 4D IC low level TCP calls. … von Kevin LaTona Diese Länder-Auswahl ist auch eine zweistufige hierarchische Liste, ist aber mit Records_2_HierList nicht erzeugbar.
Datensätze einer Tabelle in hierarchische Listen
Records_2_HierList setzt die hierarchische Struktur der Tabelle, dargestellt in zwei LongInt-Feldern, in einer hierarchische Liste um:
Um Datensätze in hierarchischen Listen nutzen zu können, haben meine Datensätze alle eine eindeutige numerische ID (Longint). Die Longint berechnet sich aus (Sequenz number([Tabelle]) * 1000) + Table(->[Tabelle]). Sie werden gleich nachrechnen und feststellen, daß so maximal 2 Mio Datensätze in einer Tabelle eindeutig identifiziert werden können. Danach ist die Longint (232) zu kurz. Die V11 kennt die 264-Longint, leider die Oberflächen-Objekte noch nicht. Aber das wird sich im Laufe der Jahre auch noch ändern. ![]() 4D kann Methoden exportieren und wieder importieren. Wie ist in diesem PDF beschrieben. Wenn Sie die Methoden als Text exportieren, müssen Feldnamen Buchstabe für Buchstabe in Quelle und Ziel übereinstimmen. Exportieren Sie als 4D-Methode ist die Methode tokenisiert und 4D setzt beim Öffnen die richtigen Namen ein. TonwahlTelefonhörer vor den Lautsprecher halten und 4D die Wähltöne erzeugen lassen. Dazu diese snd -Ressourcen verwenden! Manche Telefone sind funktional taub. Generating Charts with the Google Chart API - Mac
Von "David Nasralla" HTMLServerSideIncludes - SSIJahreszahl aktualisieren, z.B. � 2006 - 2025. Dazu verwende ich |