4D for xxx? … Sorry – no details for now … Summary 4D Summit 2018 in Paris, Washington and München. Wondering what this could be? Visiting Paris for a couple of days in march seems like a good idea. To sit down in a darkened, air-conditioned room on torture-hotelchairs all day needs a really good reason. […]
Beiträge der Kategorie 4D:
More than one
Summary Working in different projects means using different 4D versions concurrently. Just now I’m in V15, V15R5, V16 32-Bit and V16 64-Bit. And there are services I implemented in 4D, of course. Which icon is which 4D? Ich habe mehrere Projekte auf dem Tisch. Jedes Projekt in einer anderen 4D Version. Aktuell brauche ich V15, […]
Dezember-Werkstatt 2017 in Hamburg
Dez-Werkstatt: wie immer zu Gast in den Räumen der MediSoft GmbH, Haferweg 38, 22769 Hamburg, 14:00h – 18:00h Thema: fat-free Webclient Anbindung und Webservices
Good artists and great artists
Summary You know that quote from Picasso about good artists and great artists or whoever this is attributed to. Wahrscheinlich kennen Sie den Picasso zugeschriebenen Vergleich von guten Künstlern und großen Künstlern, oder wem auch immer das Bonmot zugeschrieben wird. english preferred Es läßt sich nicht verhindern, daß man gutes sieht oder hört und sich […]
Moving subforms
Summary Placing subforms on a masterform seems pretty simple. Drag the form from the explorer onto the masterform. Done! Well, this could be enhanced. Be prepared or do it yourself. Eine Subform auf einem anderen Formular zu platzieren erscheint einfach. Aus der Formular-Liste des Explorer auf die Zielform ziehen und loslassen. Fertig! Tatsächlich läßt sich […]
Embedding SVG inside an SVG
Summary Using SVG for charting purposes is gratifying. Both completely new kinds of charts and those resembling the obsolete CT Chart Array-command. Besides enhancing the chart-capabilities another requirement was to include the customers-logo as part of the chart. First I thought about parsing that logo.svg … sounds like too much work. Histogramme und Business-Graphik in […]
Which window to CALL FORM?
Summary To use CALL FORM I need the window-reference. I never thought about taking care of window-references and I’m not happy about to start that extra efforts. Therefore I was thinking about how to ask 4D, to receive the window-reference for a process, where I know the name of. I usually don’t know the process-name […]
Tokens in object.notation
Question I’d asked object notation is something like $name:=$o.Firstname the key Firstname is not set in doublequotes. Hmh, that means Firstname is tokenized, or is it? Will keys in OB SET($o;Firstname;“Vorname“) be tokenized too? Answer by Raphael Herouart $name:=$o.Firstname Will be tokenized into something like this: [LocalVar][Assign][LocalVar][TokenMember] So if it was your question „1“, yes […]
From sourcecode to documentation
Summary On May 17, 2017 Blog 4D announced: Source code sharing of internal 4D components with 4D Partners Good news for me. I was looking for some behaviours of 4D SVG, which I would like to understand and use them more properly. I’m getting to lazy already, to open the source just for looking up some lines […]
Nachlese WWDC-Keynote 2017
The Talk Show Live From WWDC 2017 from John Gruber on Vimeo. Mir ist wichtig, daß meine 4D funktionieren. Beide V15R5 und V16.0 starten! Gut! Aber es ist nicht alles gut: die V15R5 (64 Bit) kracht, sobald ich eine neu angelegte Methode schließe. Die V16 (64 Bit) kann das besser. Mal sehen, was sich noch findet. […]